Wow! This year has flown by. I guess it's true what they say about time going more quickly as you get older.
Thanksgiving was nice. I enjoyed spending time with my family.
I have three weeks of school left before Christmas break. They are going to be busy ones. I need to make sure my class is ready for our Christmas program.
I recently found out that my doctor is leaving her practice. I am really upset about this because she is wonderful and she is my friend. I tentatively have a new doctor, but I am already unimpressed. Her first available appointment isn't for two months AND she does not leave any appointments open for acute illnesses. So if you get sick, too bad, so sad. You have to go to the walk-in clinic, I guess. It's a little weird. I thought that part of being a doctor was treating your patients when they are ill.
I am the new Webelos leader for cub scouts. I guess when you have five boys, you are bound to be doing scouting things at some point. Jared turns ten on Tuesday and will be a Webelos scout. Hmmmm....this might be a good time to have a good doctor with all of the carving and knife handling.
This weekend I took the kids to see Twilight. I was afraid I would not like it since the book is always better, but we really enjoyed it. After reading all of the books, it seemed like a long time to have to wait until the movie came out. They are working on the second one now. I will have to find out when it will be released. Maybe by the time it comes out, I can afford another trip to the theater with the six kids.
Well, I guess it's time to stop and finish dinner. I really should have this done before 8:30 at night. I guess that's one of the hazards of being a night person.
An Eagle Scout!
Okay, so I've been hearing for years how much work it is to put on an Eagle
Court of Honor. I'll admit that part of me thought, "yeah, yeah." I thought
9 years ago
Kristil.. So glad you were able to take the kids to see Twilight. I liked the movie but as always love the books December has crept up on us way too fast. I have been thinking about you and the kids. Sorry about your DR. :( Much love!! Rachael
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